To prepare for the month of March in our classroom, we made our March quilt. Around the white square, we created an AABB pattern. In the middle of that square, we glued on a shamrock. On the green square, we glued on a kite.
We discussed the saying: "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." We talked about the characteristics of lions and lambs and related those traits to the different kinds of weather. On a graph, we recorded our predictions of what we think March will come in like this year - a lion or lamb? Twelve of us think tomorrow will be a lamb day while 8 of us predict tomorrow will come in like a lion. We'll check our predictions tomorrow.
Last week, we made lions and lambs. They look great up on our wild and wooly bulletin board.
On Mondays, we pick out new books for our book boxes. The students always enjoy choosing their own books to read through the week. I love sitting down with the children and listening to them read their books. What tremendous growth they have made through the year! We are readers!