It is Frog Week in our Kindergarten class. We started the week learning about the life cycle of a frog.
eggs to tadpole to froglet to frog
We practiced drawing frogs. I love to teach the children how to draw because of the confidence it gives them to create many other things. And children just love to draw!
In math, we guesstimated how many frogs were in a jar. We wrote our guesses on sticky notes and posted them on the white board. When all the guesses were in, we counted the frogs to find the actual number. There were 16 frogs in the jar, and Carli guessed the exact amount. We also performed addition and subtraction story problems with frogs. I gave them a sentence like, "There were 3 frogs at the pond. One more came along and joined them. How many frogs are at the pond now?" The children drew the picture and wrote the math sentence that goes along with it.
The word family -og joined the neighborhood. We listed all the words that live in the -og house.
fog frog dog hog jog log blog
We are anxiously awaiting Fun and Fitness Day on Friday.