Continuing today with The Very Hungry Caterpillar, we began writing our own book, The Hungry Five (or Six) Year Old. On each page of the book, the students are writing and illustrating what they eat on a particular day.
On Monday, I ate a pickle.
On Tuesday, I ate a watermelon.
On Wednesday, I ate ice cream!
We watched a DVD of Eric Carle sharing how he makes the illustrations for his books. He uses a collage method which means gluing on a collection of different materials.
The students used the collage method to decorate a butterfly. They were given a cut-out construction paper butterfly, and they cut out different colors and shapes from paper scraps to glue onto the butterfly. We also learned that a butterfly is symmetrical so the scraps had to be glued on to maintain the symmetry. This was a simple lesson to practice collage and symmetry.