It was Pocket Day in Kindergarten. We counted and graphed how many pockets each person was wearing. Vanessa had nine pockets on her clothes and that was the most. The students brought something in their pockets to share. They gave us a clue about the item, and we took several guesses to see if we could figure out what was in the pocket. We then made a class book titled, Pocket, Pocket, What's in Your Pocket?
Our focus letter is P. The students came up with many words that begin with the sound of P. We laced up a construction paper pocket and then had to find pictures on a worksheet that began with the letter P and cut them out. Then they placed the P pictures in their P pictures.
The students brought home a Petey Penguin project tonight. Petey only eats foods that begin with a P. If he eats food that doesn't start with a P, it makes him sneeze. The children are to find P foods from different media or they can draw pictures and place them on Petey's plate. The project is to be returned to school tomorrow. I can't wait to see them.
Besides are letters and sounds, our class is learning "by heart" words (words that we know on sight). Our list as of today includes:
I name see a yes no like
Any practice you can provide on letters, sounds and by heart words will help your child meet our kindergarten learning targets.
In math, we are practicing every day on counting. Today the students were given a counting plate and we practiced counting out a given number of bears to place on our plate. This is another area that can be easily practiced at home. Have your child count spoons, hangers in the closet, books, toys, Legos, or whatever is available.