Tuesday, October 18, 2011


     It's a week about pumpkins!  Our class started the week making a KWL chart about pumpkins.  We listed what we already knew about them (our schema). 

     We learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin.  From seed, to vine, to blossom to green pumpkin to orange pumpkin and back to seeds, the cycle goes round and round.  We compared the pumpkin to the life cycle of an apple.

     We measured the circumference of a pumpkin.  First we predicted what we thought the size of his belt might be and cut a piece of yarn that predicted size.  Then we actually tested our yarn to see if it was too short, too long or just the right size for the pumpkin's belt (circumference).  Everyone in our class guessed too short.


     We worked on our observation skills using a pumpkin.  Before we cut it open, we had to draw what our pumpkin looked like, predict what it might look like inside, and guesstimate how many seeds we thought might be inside.  There were some interesting guesses.  All the way from five seeds to one thousand seeds were estimated.  We were surprised to find that there were about 300 seeds inside our pumpkin.

     When cutting out the jack-o-lantern, we were sensitive to our five senses.  Our favorite was the sense of touch when we helped scoop out the gooey pulp inside.  

     Hands on activities are the best things in kindergarten!  So what better way to observe the pumpkin life cycle than by planting pumpkin seeds and watching to see if they will grow over the next couple of weeks?

     Our families completed the At Home "Decorate A Pumpkin" Family Project.  Any materials could be used to decorate a paper pumpkin, and a story was to be written about the newly created pumpkin.  We had some terrific projects and stories returned to school.  Thank to all the families for your help!