The 5 Senses Bear helped us to learn about our senses - hearing (bell), sight (googly eyes), smell (cotton ball with perfume), taste (gum) and feeling (sand paper).
After reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear last week, we made our own class book titled, Kindergarten, Kindergarten, What Do You See? This is a popular book at our Read a Book time.
We couldn't have a bear theme without reading Goldilocks and The Three Bears.
We read different versions of the story and retold the story using
magnets, drawings, and acting. The concept of big, medium and large was
reinforced by cutting and pasting a matrix using chairs, bowls and beds
of Papa, Mama and Baby Bear.
A Kindergarten standard is to distinguish fact from fiction. We used
the bears to help us with this standard. Discussing the differences
from real bears and fiction bears was quite interesting. Our class
participated in a Family Project to find three facts about bears, write
them down using a source at home and return our findings to school.
We read the book, A Hunting We Will Go and made a class book using the frame, "We'll catch a ______ and put him in a ________". This gave us the opportunity to learn about rhyming words.
We concluded our bear theme with a Teddy Bear picnic. Students brought
their bear to school for the day, and the bears participated in many
activities during the day with us.
When it was time for the Teddy Bear Picnic, we took our bears and went on a honey hunt around the room. Baggies
with Honey Comb cereal, goldfish, teddy grams and gummy bears were hidden around the room. The students and
their bear had to find their snack and gather together outside for the picnic. At the picnic, we had our bear snacks
and glasses of milk. Many of our parents were able to join us at the event.
Our letter this week was S. Sammy Snake, our Zoo-phonics animal, is a favorite of a lot of the students. For one activity, we cut out the pictures that started with the sound of S and glued them into our "suitcase".
Tomorrow we start the week with Pocket Day!
Picture day is Wednesday, Sept. 26. Please return your picture envelope to me if you wish to purchase pictures.