Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving and Turkeys


     The students enjoyed the book, Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving.  It is about a class of students who save the turkeys from the farmer on Thanksgiving by hiding the turkeys in their shirts.  This led to a discussion about how would you rescue a turkey.  We then wrote our own stories about turkey rescue, and the stories will be put together into a class book.

        We made these long legged turkeys from lunch sacks.

      Our November Family Project was to disguise the turkey so he wouldn't be eaten on Thanksgiving Day and to write a story about the turkey.  We had some wonderful turkey disguises come back to school!

Cody's turkey is a pizza delivery man.

Here is Daniel's Denver Bronco.

Both Lizzy and Nathan disguised their turkeys as Santa.

       We learned how to make turkeys by tracing our hand.  After making the hand turkeys, we practiced writing with speech bubbles by having our turkeys ask people to eat something else.  The children really love speech bubbles and are excited when seeing them in different texts.

       Our class learned about the origins of Thanksgiving.  We talked about Pilgrims and Native Americans.  We listed things that we are thankful for in our lives.

         We charted our favorite food to eat at Thanksgiving.  Then each students took a survey of the rest of the class to find what our favorite food is for Thanksgiving dinner.  Was it turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes or dinner rolls?  After the survey, we had to graph our results. Then we recorded which food had the most votes and  the least votes.