Tuesday, March 22, 2011


     It is our first week of Spring!  The students remembered that we needed to wake the bear up who has been hibernating all winter.  In January, we put a stuffed bear in a box labeled "den" and put  the den up high on a shelf.  The students were very careful not to disturb the bear all these months.  After we woke up the bear, the children wrote in their journals what the bear was going to do now.  Most wrote that he was going to eat.  But Taryn wrote that the bear was going to color now that he was awake.

     When we started our fish unit, many of the students showed a strong interest in sharks.  So this week, we have been studying sharks and learning many facts about them.  We have been reading non-fiction books and reviewing National Geographic kids on-line.  This is one of our favorite web sites for finding information on animals. 

     We worked with our table groups to create a fish mural.  The students created many different species of fish on their mural.   Sharks, whales, sting rays, jelly fish and rock fish were included.  It was great to see the students working together to create their projects.

     The word family ark arrived in our classroom to join the word neighborhood.  In our ark house, we added the words bark, dark, shark, etc. 

     To welcome in Spring, we made beautiful wind socks.  We used bingo markers to stamp the polka dots and added colorful streamers.