Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I know I have been teaching a lot of years in kindergarten when I double-knot my own shoes.
Our class has been working on recognizing and making rhyming words.
In the past, we have done Rhyme Aways where I give a clue that ends with a rhyming answer. Today we completed a Color-A-Rhyme. Students were given a picture of a leprechaun. A clue was, "The leprechaun likes to strike a pose. I wonder if he can smell without his ____." The word pose had to be rhymed with nose to see what part of the leprechaun ccould be colored. The students really enjoy these rhyming activities.
As a group, we worked on the writing frame:
All the _________ wear big green _________ on St. Patrick's Day.
The blanks had to be completed with words that rhymed with each other. This activity was done as a whole group and then the students had to write their own rhyme.
"All the bees wear big green trees." - Ava B.
"All the ducks wear big green trucks." - L.D.
"All the parrots wear big green carrots." - Gerald
I was very excited about the students' writing today. They wrote in their journals about what they would do if they caught a leprechaun. A couple of boys who have struggled with sounding out words, leaving spaces and staying on task this year wrote wonderful, creative stories using these skills. This is the time of year when all the skills we have practiced this long start making sense to our little people, and amazing writing and reading happens.
Kindergarten is the best place to be!